Get Your Business Seen By More People & Double Your Sales With Facebook & Instagram Ads 

Even if you’ve never ran an ad in your life

(or just have boosted a post)

As a small business owner, it’s incredible the amount of hats you wear. Not only are you an expert in the service that you provide, you also do all the hiring, management, customer support, bookkeeping, finances, marketing and so much more. 

Many business owners know that Facebook & Instagram Ads can help their businesses grow but they just don’t have the bandwidth to learn it on their own. 

So, you do what you can to market your business - create a website, run a print ad in your local newspaper, tell all your family and friends to spread the word, create content and post on social media.

You hustle hard to get a boost of sales and then.... Crickets.

There’s an excruciating ebb and flow of customers and revenue. Never certain if the flow will pick back up again. 

A great product or service by itself is not enough to guarantee success. Effective marketing and sales are required to reach customers and drive growth. 

You know that Facebook and Instagram advertising work for other small businesses. You hear the stories and know you’re missing out on a consistent source of leads and customers.

So  you “boost” a Facebook or Instagram post and wait, and wait, and wait…

But you don’t see an increase in views, engagement not to mention, sales. 

What are these other businesses doing to get the results they’re boasting about?!

If this has happened to you, let me assure you,

it's NOT your fault.

I understand the frustration that comes from knowing what’s possible and not being able to produce those results. 

Imagine this…

A restaurant owner that increases brand awareness and stays top of mind for people in their area and attracts more first-time customers, raving reviews and fills seats even when it’s a typically “slow season”.


A lawyer, accountant, chiropractor, or therapist that uses an advertising strategy that makes them stand out and be noticed that leads to a full time marketing machine that maintains a steady stream of new potential customers. Say goodbye to inconsistent lead flow!

Imagine what that would do for your business!

Ads are an amazing investment (if done right).

Tired of the inconsistency?

Maybe you're like Joanne:

You own two locations of a popular tutoring franchise and care deeply about helping kids thrive.  The marketing support your parent company provides is only getting you so far… this isn’t how you imagined it.

You'd love to have leads coming in daily on autopilot.

Avoid the overwhelm!

Avoid the Overwhelm

Avoid the ovewhelm

Maybe you're like Vince:

A home improvement company owner who finally gave in and hired a social media manager.

They post all your organic social media and while it’s nice to get that off your plate and your following has grown a little …. It’s not getting people through the door.

Maybe you tried Google ads, TV and radio ads and even a highway billboard to get the word out, but you have no idea if they work and who might be coming in because of them.

Again, no difference to your bottom line except you feel like you've just wasted your money.

You know ads COULD work, but you don't know where to get the easy to follow information and the hand holding support you need.

It's time to scale!

Maybe you're like Rebecca:

You know enough to be dangerous.

Campaigns are running and some leads coming in but whenever you try to improve things or spend more on your ads, the wheels come off.

You want some clarity and direction so you can get better results.

I am on a mission to help local business owners like you get your ads set up and running the right way with my proven framework so that you can finally get the traction that you KNOW is possible from Facebook and Instagram Ads.

Hi I'm Carol

Hi I'm Carol

I love working with business owners who have a local service that helps their community.

I especially love partnering with them to create a bigger impact by helping them scale their business and serve more customers with strategic, results driven Facebook and Instagram Ads.

One of the things I love about managing Ads is being part of something that can transform my customers' businesses and their lives. Beyond increasing their revenue, I get to be part of the ripple effect that their business has on the lives of the customers and communities that they serve. 

As a Certified Elite Ads Manager, I can only work with a limited number of customers with my Premium Done-For-You ads services. I want to be able to help more business owners make a meaningful contribution to their communities. I'm tired of hearing stories of people not unlike you, who have been left to try and figure out the complex and ever-changing world of Facebook Ads on their own. Or worse yet, they end up in the hands of an unethical "Ad Agency" or "Business Coach" and end up slowly watching their dreams die.

I don't want that to happen to you.

And that’s why I’m excited to introduce…

Profitable Ads Made Easy

A one-of-a-kind, 12-Week LIVE Coaching Ads Done-With-You Program

Everything you need to get your Facebook and Instagram ads up and running like a well-oiled, money making machine

Ad budget calculators to understand how much you can afford to pay for a new lead or sale.

Proven ad strategies to facilitate a real connection and grow a loyal customer base with people that feel personally connected to you and your business.

Create custom audiences to get your ads in front of the people who would benefit the most from your business.

How to “stop the scroll” with images, video and words that have people want to click to learn more.

Set your campaign right the first time by selecting the best objective for your goals and get the results you really want (even if Facebook suggests something different).

How to look at ad performance and tweak your strategy to pull in the best leads and most profitable buyers.

Profitable Ads Made Easy Provides You With Direct Support

  • 12 Weeks of LIVE Interactive Small Group Coaching where you get the support you need and access to advice that is specific to your business. We'll be on Zoom together walking through everything you need to get your ad campaigns running, optimized and converting. You'll get a recording of these sessions. You can even submit your questions ahead of time and watch later. 

  • Just-In-Time Email Support as you are  implementing the ad system into your business you can access email support between group coaching calls for you or anyone on your team

  • Exclusive Pricing on Private Coaching unlock 30% savings on 1-1 private coaching where I'll work with you to reach the specific advertising goals for your business. This pricing is reserved ONLY for Profitable Ads Made Easy participants

In our live coaching sessions we’ll look at each participants ad account:

  • Have you set your campaigns, ad sets and ads up to get you the best possible results?  

  • Are you reaching your ideal customers and clients?

  • How do we get more of the results you want at a better price and have your advertising budget working overtime? You'll get answers to your questions in REAL TIME - I'll be fully supporting you every step of the way. And because this is a small group program (10 -12 people max), each call will take as much time as needed to get all your questions answered. 

Customer Testimonials

Wendy Newman, Realtor

“If just ONE of them becomes a client, that's tens of thousands of dollars"

I'm a realtor who specializes in divorce in San Francisco. My team and I host monthly workshops that cover all aspects of divorce. We needed to get some leads in there from our local community and it is something we've been struggling with for a long time.

As soon as we launched our ads, we started getting registrations and this upcoming workshop is 2x as big as anything that we've ever done and there is still time left for more registrations.

I'm sorry I put it off for so long. Carol made it really really easy.

Our workshop sign ups are about $3 a piece which is much lower than what they've been in the past. If just ONE of them becomes a client, that's tens of thousands of dollars.

Wendy Newman,


Althea St. Cyr,

3R Massage Therapy

Within 2 days of placing the ads, I was getting leads.”

I hired Carol to set up my ads on Facebook because my business was struggling within 2 days of placing the ads I was getting leads.

She is professional knowledge and easy to work with I would highly recommend her.

Wendy Newman, Realtor

“You are in good hands with Carol and her skills and expertise.”

Carol Roderick created an amazing ad campaign for me to help expectant mothers learn more about the benefits of hypnosis in pregnancy and birth.

Navigating the minutia of what to do and how to do it was an overwhelming learning curve for me.

I've been self-employed for decades and even when business is good, there is always room to create growth. With technology moving in leaps and bounds, it's even more important to stay ahead of the curve. You're in good hands with Carol and her skills and expertise.

Shawn Gallagher,

Board Certified Hypnotist

Melissa Baum,

Travel Consultant

“I'm confident I've got the tools I need to gain real traction for my business.”

I used to launch an ad on Facebook and hope for the best. I had no idea what actually goes into creating successful campaigns.

In working with Carol and My Ads Team, I started consistently getting new leads. In 6 weeks, I doubled my email list - I went from 600 to over 1300 subscribers. Now, I'm confident I've got the tools I need to gain real traction for my business.

But wait. There is something very unique about this offer…

As an award-winning educator with over 16 years teaching experience and a PhD in Adult Education (yes, that makes me Dr. Carol Roderick), I know the importance of a complete, trusted resource to get accurate information and be able to reference when setting up and analyzing your Facebook ads.

Because of this, I have partnered with Jody Milward, my ad mentor, to bring you a premium Ad Training course as a bonus!

ADvisory is a 6-Step proven system to plan, create and launch profitable Facebook ads. The course consists of 6 modules complete with video lessons, worksheets & guides. 

ADvisory is valued at $1997 and with Profitable Ads Made Easy, you get it at NO COST!

So, what are you waiting for?




or 3 monthly payments of $347

Prices are in USD.

Canadian Resident? Click HERE

SAVE $44

When You Pay In Full

Have questions? I have answers...

How soon will I get results?

There are a lot of variables and 'getting results' depends on your particular goals for your Facebook Ads. As soon as you start running ads you will be getting data and results! Profitable Ads Made Easy will help you make decisions on this data to improve your results day after day. But allow yourself 90 days to launch, test, optimize and dial in all the pieces of your ads and funnels.

What if I've never launched a Facebook Ad?

You, my friend, are in the perfect place! I have successfully coached dozens of entrepreneurs and business owners who are totally new to advertising. Profitable Ads Made Easy will guide you through the complete process and help you to make sure you have all the foundations in place before you spend a cent on Ads. And then when you're ready to launch your ads, you'll know exactly what to do.

Are Facebook and Instagram Ads the same thing?

Facebook and Instagram ads are not the same, but they are created from the same place, the Facebook Ads Manager and are seen separately on each platform. 

Are Facebook and Instagram Ads good for local businesses?

Yes.  Facebook and Instagram Ads stand out among other forms of digital marketing because of the precise and powerful targeting available.  For example, if you would like to reach Volkswagen owners who are also parents of school aged children who live within 10 miles of your business, you can do that.  

What if I've been running Ads for a while? Will this help me?

With Facebook advertising changing all the time there are bound to be a few features or strategies that may have slipped by. Discovering just one golden nugget in Profitable Ads Made Easy may be the key to unlocking more leads, sales and revenue in your business.

Are the strategies up-to-date and working now?

The strategies I teach and share are proven and work time and time again across various niches. Often it's not the strategy that doesn't work, but the foundational work hasn't been done which may look like the strategy isn't working. However, with the changes to the platform especially since iOS14 updates there are some updates as to how we implement the strategies. You’ll be getting the most up-to-date information.

How long do I have access to ADvisory?

$997 will get you 12 weeks of small group coaching and 12 months access to AdVisory. The online modules will be getting constant updates as the Facebook Ad Platform changes. You will have the most up to date advertising information at your fingertips.

How does Profitable Ads Made Easy compare to other Facebook Ad programs that are $3,000 or more?

Well, I haven't done every other Facebook Ad Program out there, but Profitable Ads Made Easy is well worth 10 x the price that it is. It's simply priced so that it can be accessible to anyone who needs to learn Facebook ads from a trusted source. With the coaching program you also get AdVisory which is full of information that many of the expensive programs I've seen either skim over or leave out completely.

Don't wait any longer!

Organic marketing strategies will only get you so far and it's a constant demand on your time. Facebook Ads are the key to helping you consistently attract and convert new leads without you needing to be on your phone 24/7.

Get Profitable Ads Made Easy Today!




or 3 monthly payments of $347

Prices are in USD.

Canadian Resident? Click HERE

SAVE $44

When You Pay In Full


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Disclaimer: This site and Profitable Ads Made Easy is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Meta/Facebook or any of its entities. There are no guarantees that you will earn money from the training in this program, generate leads or make sales with Facebook Ads. Your results will vary due to a number of factors including but not limited to your experience, skills, financial circumstances, education, commitment, changing technologies and your market. Results and testimonials are not average results - and who wants to be average anyway. By purchasing Profitable Ads Made Easy you agree that we and the creators of Profitable Ads Made Easy are not responsible for your results or the decisions you make from the information provided in the training or on this website. You acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for your results and decisions. For more information refer to our Earnings Disclaimer.